Our Policy

Knotty Dogs

A matted coat is usually caused by neglect, not enough professional grooming, a lack of brushing, or sometimes fleas or skin allergies which make a dog scratch, all of these can cause knots. A matted coat is extremely uncomfortable for a dog, often inhibiting it’s ability to move freely and pulling on the skin. Usually, the only solution for a matted coat is to clip it off. The clippers need to get under the knots and extremely close to the skin, this in itself can sometimes cause problems, such as skin irritations, as the skin is suddenly ‘released’ from the coat, causing itching, which the dog will want to scratch, which will in turn irritate and so on, therefore they will often develop a rash. It is much more difficult for a groomer to clip off a matted coat as the knots pull the skin up towards the clippers, making it easier to accidentally nick the dog. They will often act differently after having a severley matted coat removed, going from one extreme to another and therefore may act strangely afterwards. Other than the obvious discomfort, matted fur inhibits air getting to the coat, and is perfect breeding ground for bacteria causing skin irritations and problems, if your dog gets wet, knots hold moisture for a long time, close to the dog’s skin, which is cold and also causes bacterial problems. Think about it – would we feel happy, healthy and comfortable with a head full of matted hair? Even if it was cold and someone thought it might keep us warm? The health of a dog’s skin and coat is often overlooked when people consider the grooming needs of their pet. Your dog is covered in its coat from head to tail so obviously it is just as important to look after as the rest of them! If we suggest your dogs coat needs to be clipped off it is for the benefit of your dog, it doesn’t always look great but sometimes there are no other options. And remember, if you don’t want your dogs coat clipping short you must keep on top of it’s grooming. For more grooming advice or a grooming demonstration please speak to one of the girls in the shop, we are more than happy to help.

medium-coated brown dog during daytime
medium-coated brown dog during daytime

Our Store Policies

1. Before entering the salon please ensure your dog has been to the toilet.

2. If your dog has left a mess outside please don’t be embarrassed, we have the facilities to clean up.

3. If you have specific requirement please explain these clearly before leaving the salon.

4. When collecting your dog, please make sure everything is acceptable. If there is a discrepancy please let us know within 24 hours.

5. Our prices are based upon your dog being in good condition. There is an additional charge for dogs with matted coats as they require extra time and effort.

6. Aggressive and difficult dogs that require extra time and staff will be subject to a price increase.

7. We reserve the right to refuse any dog that presents a risk of injury to itself or our staff.

8. Payment must be made on collection or delivery. We accept cash and cards.

9. Owners must collect dogs at the time stated. Owners arriving late to collect their dog will be charged a sitting fee.

10. It must be clearly understood and agreed that whilst every care and attention is given to your dog they are accepted at the owners risk. Our concern is for your dogs welfare and therefore in the event of injury or illness a vet may be called and all costs in connection shall be at the owners expense. Pet insurance is always recommended. A recent contact number is always required. Under no circumstances do we accept sedated dogs.

11. All of our equipment is sterilised and cleaned after every groom to prevent illness and disease.

12. We require 24 hour notice for cancellation of appointments, missed appointments and appointments cancelled within 24 hours are subject to a cancellation fee. If the appointment can be filled by another client you will not be charged. Dogs arriving late may have to rebook and a cancellation fee will apply.

13. We do not use “grooming nooses” or “drying cabinets”.

14. We do not accept dogs with fleas, any dogs found to have fleas will have to be washed in insecticidal shampoo and will be charged a £20 cleaning fee.

15. Unfortunately we no longer accept banned breeds due to our insurance company.